
Personal Shopper Online: who it is and its advantages

29 luglio 2021

Since 2020 a strong social - economic change has overwhelmed companies and activities, to blame the blow more Smes and small shops, finding themselves with a reality compressed and limited to the sole sale in the store, which on national decrees were closed to the public. Driven by an increasingly urgent need to expand to wider margins, many commercial realities have found themselves dealing with the universe of online sales and e-commerce! 

Giannini Shop Online crosses the border and faces the On-line on 26 June 2016 giving life to the digital store, with regressive retail experience infuses the same metrics to the digital format. A brave step and a leap in the dark made when still the online clothing sales market


Over the period of time marked by SARS-Cov-2, many difficulties and socio-economic needs were highlighted, including the distance and the need for communication has become increasingly strong, values that have inevitably translated into imput on which to work for the e-commerce and more generally for the web. The figure of the online personal shopper arises in response to these needs.


"An innovative service through which it is possible to book a telephone or a video call with a Coach Style able to meet every need as for purchases in the store."


This explains the figure of the personal shopper in an article by Corriere dell'Economia, where, through an interview with the owner of the agency of the same name, Mario Giannini, you can see the salient points and advantages of the growth of this function:


"Our Personal Shoppers - says Mario Giannini - provide the right support in the selection of clothing at a distance, considering the limits caused by lockdowns. A free and tailor-made service to reiterate our attention. The use of technology allows us to continue a path that began over fifty years ago, with the same spirit".


So a service felt and already intrinsic in the heart of the company, fundamental tool and communicative means to offer the customer/ user an idea of reliability, professionalism and care. The first benefit of this additional feature is definitely providing assistance to customers who will not feel abandoned to navigation, will feel recommended thanks to the Coach Style method and will certainly enjoy the entire approach to the public (if we are talking about new users). However, the advantages do not end here: we must not underestimate the usefulness of the personal shopper that plays an essential role within the staff as a qualified figure placed both at the assistance and at the sale, therefore it is necessary to weigh well the entrustment of such a charge within your team.


"The Personal Shopper is much more than a figure who loves fashion and knows trends: it is an expert able to find the right look for the customer based on his lifestyle and his physicality, as well as the occasions in which he will show off garments and accessories chosen together."



The online personal shopper therefore has to carry out tasks summarized as follows:

  • telephone advice
  • sales assistance 
  • online shopping guide
  • fashion stylist 
  • commercial

And as reported by Mario Giannini in the interview given to 'ANSA.IT: "Being an image, we must put in the field psychological skills, as well as knowledge of the latest trends" that produce a result in their complexity of conversions. According to the data reported by Corriere dell'Economia, in fact, it can be said that all the factors and parameters behind the figure of the personal shopper are not only a supplement for a more advanced level of costumer care, they are a real method of online sale,  recording "one contact every two days on average with a conversion rate at the sale of about 65%".


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